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"Get a mop bitch! Dig a hole! You now have one less mouth to feed"
Janey Belle
"Detroit Meth City Crankdown"
Zombie Tramp Vol 3 10
Zombie Tramp
Title: "Detroit Meth City Crankdown"
Volume: 3
Number: 10
Cover price: $3.99
Cover date: April, 2015
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Danger Zone
Chief: Shawn Gabborin
Writers: Dan Mendoza; Jason Martin
Pencilers: TMChu
Inkers: TMChu
Cover artists: TMChu; Dan Mendoza
Cover inker: TMChu; Dan Mendoza
Cover colorist: Jason Martin
Colorists: Jason Martin
Letterers: Adam Wollet
Assistants: Colleen Boyd
Previous: Zombie Tramp #9
Next: Zombie Tramp #11

"Detroit Meth City Crankdown" is the tagline for the tenth issue of volume three of the Zombie Tramp comic book series published by Action Lab Comics under their Danger Zone imprint. The story was written by Dan Mendoza and Jason Martin with artwork by TMChu. It was edited by associate editor Colleen Boyd. This issue shipped with an April, 2015 cover date and carries a cover price of $3.99 per copy (US).


In Detroit, Michigan, a woman returns home to a dark house. She finds her adulterous husband's head on the floor, separated from his body. In a crib lies a child sucking on a severed finger coated in milk. Attached to his onesie is a note that reads "Daddy liked to bring home strange women for SEX. It didn't go well". All of these are clear signs that Zombie Tramp has been here.

Meanwhile, Janey Belle is driving down the highway en route to the Tamahawk Bridge after viewing a television reporter about a zombie attacking motorists on the bridge. A SWAT team from the Detroit Police Department surround the undead Dizz Johnson. The men attack Dizz, but then a larger more monstrous zombie named Walt leaps down from a street sign and barrels into the officers. He tries to protect Dizz, but one of the officers gets in a lucky cranial shot that kills him.

Walt catches sight of Janey's Hummer in traffic and leaps over the SWAT members onto the hood of the vehicle. The impact causes the vehicle to crash.

Janey prepares to transform into zombie mode, but suddenly a new player arrives on the scene - Vampblade. Using her patented vampblade weapons, she slices off Walt's right arm. Walt shrieks and shouts that "This isn't over!" before super-leaping away to safety. Janey thanks Vampblade for the timely assist and then goes off to track down Walt on her own.

That evening, Zombie Tramp is in a cemetery where she finds Walt pulling the arm off an unsuspecting man and affixing it to his own stump.

Janey bides her time and readies up some magic using the Necronomicon. Walt sniffs her out and approaches her. He blames Janey for leaving her zombie salt in his bathtub, which was then used in the preparation of his Bath Salts 2.0, which ultimately resulted in his current condition. Walt believes that more undead bath water might hold the key to curing him.

Janey snaps her fingers and summons an army of the undead from underground. The undead grapple with Walt to keep him in place while Janey prepares a ritual to exorcise his soul from his current body, which would ultimately kill him. The spell begins to work, and Walt temporarily reverts back to his human self, but he is strong-willed, and transforms back into a hulking monstrosity. He lunges at Zombie Tramp as she swears at him, calling him a "strong-willed fucktard".


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Notes & Trivia[]

Vampblade saves the day

Vampblade saves the day.

Recommended Reading[]

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