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Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"I've been riding all night and all day... time for some food and fun."
Janey Belle
"Sleazy Rider"
Zombie Tramp - Sleazy Rider
Zombie Tramp
Title: "Sleazy Rider"
Volume: Zombie Tramp Collections
Number: 4
Cover price: $14.99
Cover date: May, 2015
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Danger Zone
Chief: Shawn Gabborin
Writers: Jason Martin; Dan Mendoza
Pencilers: Dennis Budd; Anna Lencioni; Winston Young
Inkers: Dennis Budd; Anna Lencioni; Winston Young
Cover artists: TMChu
Cover inker: Jaime Mendoza
Colorists: Jason Martin
Letterers: Dave Dwonch
Assistants: Colleen Boyd
Previous: "Hunks an' Chunks a Burnin' Love"
Next: "Breaking Bath"

"Sleazy Rider" is the fourth volume of trade paperback issue reprinting stories originally published by Action Lab Comics under their Danger Zone imprint. This volume reprints issues #5-8 from Zombie Tramp, Volume 3. Stories were written by Jason Martin and Dan Mendoza with artwork by Dennis Budd, Anna Lencioni and Winston Young. This volume shipped in May, 2015 and carries a cover price of $14.99 per copy (US).

Zombie Tramp hits the open road, encountering all manner of oddities throughout the Southwest. From werewolf truckers, to "illegal" fight clubs, to lethal fast food chains. It's enough to make her deadly detour to Detroit seem downright dreamy! Join a lineup of amazing new artists bringing the fan-favorite street walking dead's latest open road adventures to life!



Featured characters

Supporting characters


Minor characters







Notes & Trivia[]

  • Janey Belle, aka Zombie Tramp, was created by writer/artist Dan Mendoza. She first appeared in the first Zombie Tramp self-published graphic novel in 2009.
  • This series is rated M for Mature. It contains scenes of graphic violence, strong language and nudity.
  • UPC barcode: 9781632290953 51499.
  • Total page count: 128 pages.
  • This volume shipped to retailers on May 6th, 2015.
  • The cover art illustration for this volume is an original graphic.
  • The title of this storyline is taken from the 1969 Easy Rider starring Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper. It was also the name of a biker magazine which featured scantily clad women on their covers.
  • Katie Carva, who would later go on to forge her own destiny as Vampblade was introduced in Zombie Tramp #8.

Recommended Reading[]

See also[]

External Links[]
