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American Horror Story 3x06 003
Zoe Benson
Continuity: American Horror Story
Notability: Main character
Type: Witch
Gender: Female
Location: Miss Robichaux's Academy, New Orleans, Louisiana
Status: Alive
Born: 1994 [1]
Died: 2021 [2]
First: "Bitchcraft"
Final: "Apocalypse Then"
Actor: Taissa Farmiga

Zoe Benson is a fictional witch and the central character of the FX Network television series American Horror Story. She appeared in the show's third season, which was billed with the subtitle "Coven". Played by actress Taissa Farmiga, the character was introduced in the season premiere, "Bitchcraft", and has appeared in all twelve subsequent episodes of the season. She briefly returned in season 8 subtitled "Apocalypse", where she was murdered by Michael Langdon during the massacre at Madame Robichaux's Academy, but was resurrected after the death of the anti-christ by Mallory in her time travel.


Zoe is a slim young woman with white skin, dark brown eyes and light brown hair. Like many witches, she is usually seen wearing dark clothing.


Zoe started out as an inexperienced witch at Madame Robichaux's Academy to become one of the wisest and most responsible witches in the entire Coven. Among Zoe, Queenie, Madison and Nan, Zoe was one of the ones who showed the most empathy, as when I mourned the death of her boyfriend, after accidentally killing him, and Kaio after Madison knocked over the bus he was on. When questioned by the police along with Madison, she ended up panicking and revealed the witches' secret to the police, but Fiona reversed the situation.

However, Zoe showed great maturity over time as she discovered the dangers of the supernatural world she had entered. During Marie Laveau's zombie invasion of the White Witch Academy, Zoe was the only one who managed to deal with the attack and take control of the situation, killing the creatures and protecting the girls. In search of answers about the Coven's past, Zoe went as far as torturing Spaulding with the other witches and, shortly after, returning his enchanted tongue to force him to tell the truth. When confronting the Barbarian, she teamed up with the other witches to kill the villain. Before the test of the Seven Wonders, she studied various spells by reading the academy books and, even though she did not discover that she was not the Supreme, she still showed herself to be a powerful and reliable witch to the point that the new Supreme, Cordelia, indicated her to be her " right arm" and teacher of the new students.

Powers and abilities[]

Zoe is a natural witch of Salem descent. Initially, she did not appear to be reasonably strong, like Madison or Queenie, but she developed her powers over time and with studies of the academy's spell books and revealed to have mastery over almost all of the Seven Wonders, with the exception of Transmutation and Pyrokinesis.

  • Telekinesis: One of the Seven Wonders, the capacity to move objects with your mind. When the Barbarian returned to the academy to kill the witches, Zoe, along with everyone else, attacked him with a telekinetic wave, knocking him down the stairs. Soon after, they took the kitchen knives with their minds and used them to kill the Barbarian. While training for the Seven Wonders test, Zoe ended up levitating her bed in the air. In the telekinesis test, Zoe pulled a candelabra toward her hand. In Apocalypse, when the witches gathered at a gas station to resurrect John Henry, who had been murdered by Mrs. Mead, it was Zoe who gathered the warlock's ashes into a single spot on the floor for Mallory to bring back.
  • Concilium: One of the seven wonders, the ability to bend the will of others to compel them to do your will. Zoe used this power in the Concilium test, nullifying Madison's control over Kyle and forcing him to kiss her shortly afterwards.
  • Divination: One of the seven wonders, the ability to gain information about events, objects, or people by indirect means. When the girls were in urgent need of a spell to expel the angry spirit that was attacking them, Zoe knew which of the books had the spell they needed and which page it was on.
  • Descensum: One of the seven wonders, the ability to project your spirit out of your physical body and into the underworld, your personal hell. Zoe demonstrated this power during the Descensum test on the Seven Wonders, being the third to awaken from her personal hell. The enchantment to perform the Descensum: " Spiritu duce, in me est. Deduzir-me em tenebris vita ad extremum, ut salutaret inferi. Descensum ".
  • Vitalum Vitalis: One of the seven wonders, the ability to control the balance of the scales between one life force and another, being able to bring back to life those who have recently passed away. When Zoe and Kyle were at a park in Florida, Kyle ended up losing control and strangled a mugger who tried to rob them, but Zoe brought him back to life.
  • Witchcraft: Zoe turned out to be the most talented witch of Cordelia's new students at practicing spellcasting.
    • Banishing Spell: Zoe was the one who conducted the ritual she did along with Queenie and Nan to banish an evil spirit from the academy.
    • Limb Restoration Spell: To gain ancient information about the Coven, Zoe cast a spell to return Spaulding's tongue to her mouth, forcing him to answer her questions.
    • Revelation Spell: To find out how Nan really died, Zoe made a revelation spell with the water from the bathtub where Nan's body had been found, discovering that Fiona and Marie Laveau were the killers.
  • Black Widow: Zoe has a unique gift called the "Black Widow ability", where she ends up killing anyone who has sexual intercourse with her through bleeding, as happened with her first boyfriend and the boy who raped Madison.
  • Power Negation: Another unique power Zoe has demonstrated was the ability to temporarily negate another witch's power. When the academy was being attacked by Marie Laveau's zombies, Zoe ended up being taken by surprise by one of them and was unprotected, but was able to defeat him by negating the power of Marie's voodoo spell, where she was impressed with such power.


  • Kyle Spencer - Boyfriend
  • Madison Montgomery - Frenemy
  • Nan - Fellow student
  • Queenie - Fellow student and council member
  • Cordelia Goode - Mentor
  • Misty Day - Ally
  • Fiona Goode - Doesn't trust her
  • Charlie Taylor - Lover; a literal dead f*ck.

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Zoe Benson served as the point-of-view character in "Coven".

See also[]

External Links[]


  1. Date approximated based upon the age of actress Taissa Farmiga.
  2. Original timeline. Later undone by Mallory.