Young Justice is a fictional superhero team featured in comic book titles published by DC Comics. The group was formed as a latter-day version of the Teen Titans, with a membership that includes the teenage apprentices of iconic superheroes such as Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman. The team was featured in their own Young Justice comic book series, which ran for fifty-five issues from 1998 to 2003. Like most ongoing titles at this time, the series crossed over into other inter-title events such as "Day of Judgment", "Our Worlds at War", "Joker's Last Laugh" and "Sins of Youth". Although the roster went through some moderate changes over the span of their tenure, the core group of Young Justice remained the same throughout the entirety of their career. The comic book version of the group first appeared in the Young Justice: The Secret one-shot special in 1998, before launching off into their own series. In 2010, Warner Bros. Animation produced a Young Justice television series, which aired on Cartoon Network for two seasons from 2010 to 2013.
Robin: Tim Drake; Super-sleuth, acrobat; computer whiz with natural leadership ability and lots of nifty gadgets.
Superboy: Kon-El; Half-human/half Kryptonian clone of Superman and Lex Luthor. Possesses superhuman strength, durability, reflexes and can fly.
Impulse: Bart Allen; The Grandson of the Flash, he possesses superhuman speed, reflexes and is fast-witted. Zero attention span.
Wonder Girl: Cassandra Sandsmark; Daughter of Zeus gifted with superhuman strength and the Lasso of Lightning; Mentored by Wonder Woman.
Secret: Greta Hayes; A living ghost girl who is permanently intangible.
Arrowette: Cissie King-Jones; Daughter of Miss Arrowette who is extremely gifted with a bow and arrow. Suspected to be an illegitimate child of Oliver Queen, since archery is apparently a hereditary trait.
Empress: Anita Fite; Skilled martial artist who also possesses mind control powers.
Lagoon Boy: Bipedal marine boy with green scales who can blow himself up like a puffer fish. Yes, a goddamn puffer fish!
Slobo: A hereditary duplicate of Lobo, who was de-aged into a teenager. Possesses all of the same racial attributes of a typical Czarnian.