Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"I don't use my head to fly the arrow, boy! I use my heart!"
Yondu Udonta[src]
Yaka arrow
Yaka arrow
Type: Weapon
Continuity: Earth-691
Marvel Universe
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Aliases: Yaka arrows
Availability: Uncommon item
Manufacturer: Centaurians
Owners: Yondu Udonta; Kraglin Obfonteri
1st appearance: Marvel Super-Heroes #18

Yaka arrow is the name of a particular type of item. This page is a stub. If you are reading this message, then that means you have come to a page about a character that is in need of additional work. There are certain key elements that are lacking from this article and thus preventing it from achieving an acceptable level of quality. This may include a screenshot image, missing and/or incorrect design information, a general overview statement, a descriptive summary, and so on. Once these elements have been satisfied, then this template may be removed from the page.


The Yaka arrow was created on planet Centauri-IV by the native race, the Centaurians. Yaka is a rare element only found on their homeworld. Yondu uses a 5-foot single curve bow. A yaka arrow can actually change its direction (but not speed) in response to certain high-octave whistle-sounds some Centaurians can produce. It is not yet known precisely what pitch causes a yaka arrow to move in what way. Yondu is so skillful at controlling his arrows, he can cause an arrow to return to his hand or weave its way through a crowd of people without touching them. Yondu's arrows are 15 inches in length and are very flexible. He carries about 20 of them at one time

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