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Xirinius 002
Continuity: Planet of the Apes
Notability: Minor character
Type: Military personnel
Gender: Male
Race: Evolved ape
Location: Ape City, New York; 40th century
Status: Deceased
Died: 3955
First: Planet of the Apes (1968)
Final: Planet of the Apes #6

Xirinius is the name given to a fictional humanoid ape featured in the Planet of the Apes multimedia franchise. Played by an unknown actor, he was seen as one of many background characters featured in the 1968 film Planet of the Apes. The character has also appeared in the Marvel Comics adaptation of the film presented in Planet of the Apes Magazine #1-6, which is where he is provided with a proper name.


Xirinius was a humanoid ape of the gorilla species who lived in the East Coast Ape City in what was once New York during the latter half of the 40th century. Xirinius was part of the hunting party that was sent out to recapture an escaped human named George Taylor, who ran all throughout the city trying to evade the gorilla soldiers. Xirinius and another unnamed soldier captured Taylor with their hunting nets. [1][2][3]

Xirinius was later part of a contingent of soldiers that was led by Doctor Zaius on an expedition to an archaelogical site in the Forbidden Zone. He engaged in a brief firefight with Taylor at this time, who was now in a better position to defend himself. After being forced to let Taylor go free, Doctor Zaius declared that the findings at the site stood as scientific heresy and that they were to be destroyed. He ordered Xirinius to silence the chimpanzee archaeologist, Cornelius, and Xirinius did so by covering the ape's mouth, forbidding him to speak any further about his findings. [4][5][6]

Notes & Trivia[]

  • The character of Xirinius was created by writer Doug Moench and artists George Tuska and Mike Esposito based on concepts originally developed by filmmakers Franklin J. Schaffner, Michael Wilson and Rod Serling as well as novelist Pierre Boulle.
  • Although the character is featured in the canonical film series, the name Xirinius is wholly an invention of the Marvel Comics creative staff.
  • Another ape character named Xirinius was featured in the first story from Planet of the Apes magazine #21 entitled, "Beast On the Planet of the Apes", suggesting that it might be a fairly common name within ape society.
  • It is unknown whether Xirinius was part of the gorilla army that stormed the Forbidden Zone to battle the mutants in Beneath the Planet of the Apes. If the character did not meet his final fate at this time, then he died when Taylor detonated the Divine Bomb, which destroyed the entire planet.



See also[]

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