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Mutant Massacre
X-Men - Mutant Massacre
Title: Mutant Massacre
Series: Uncanny X-Men Vol 1
X-Factor Vol 1
New Mutants Vol 1
Published: October, 1986-January, 1987
Chapters: 11
Major characters: X-Men; X-Factor; New Mutants; Morlocks; Thor
Antagonists: Marauders; Mister Sinister

"Mutant Massacre", also known as the Morlock Massacre, is a fictional storyline published by Marvel Comics. It ran from October, 1986 to January, 1987 and crossed over into issues of Uncanny X-Men, Volume 1, X-Factor, Volume 1 and New Mutants, Volume 1 with spin-off crossovers taking place in issues of Power Pack, Volume 1, Daredevil, Volume 1 and Thor, Volume 1.


Mister Sinister stages a massive assault against the Morlocks using a team of super-powered clones called the Marauders. The deadliest among their number however, is the feral killer known as Sabretooth. The Marauders begin indiscriminately slaughtering as many Morlocks as they can find. When word spreads about what is happening, several mutant superhero teams get involved to help out, including the X-Men, X-Factor, Power Pack and even the Asgardian God of Thunder, Thor. The casualties are high and the X-Men have to set up a triage for Morlock survivors at the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Through the course of this, Angel suffers injuries so severe that they will ultimately alter his life forever. Wolverine engages in multiple one-on-one battles with his nemesis Sabretooth, and Colossus takes a life for the very first time.


  • Chapter 01: Uncanny X-Men 210
  • Chapter 02: X-Factor 9
  • Chapter 03: Uncanny X-Men 211
  • Chapter 04: X-Factor 10
  • Chapter 05: Power Pack 27
  • Chapter 06: New Mutants 46
  • Chapter 07: Thor 373
  • Chapter 08: Uncanny X-Men 212
  • Chapter 09: Thor 374
  • Chapter 10: X-Factor 11
  • Chapter 11: Uncanny X-Men 213
  • Tie-in: Daredevil 238


Notes & Trivia[]

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