Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
William Rose
Aliases: Willie Rose
Reverend Rose
Reverend Willie Rose
Continuity: Kingdom Universe
Notability: Supporting character
Type: Clergy
Occupation: Reverend
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Location: Castle Rock, Maine
Status: Alive
First: Cujo
Actor: Don S. Davis

William Rose is a fictional reverend and a supporting character featured in "The Kingdom", which represents the collected works of author Stephen King. He first appeared in the 1981 novel Cujo, as well as the 1991 book Needful Things. In the Needful Things feature film adaptation, Willie Rose was played by actor Don S. Davis.


Reverend William "Willie" Rose was a Baptist minister from the town of Castle Rock, Maine. He was a rival of Catholic priest Father Meehan, whose church was nearby to the one that Rose worked at.

Like all residents of Castle Rock, Willie Rose fell victim to the evil influence of newcomer Leland Gaunt, who delivered unto the town's residents various "needful things" in exchange for a prank.

When Father Meehan's church exploded, Meehan erroneously believed that Reverend Rose was responsible. The two got into a physical altercation with one another until Sheriff Alan Pangborn managed to get everyone to calm down a bit.

Notes & Trivia[]

  • The character of William Rose was created by writer Stephen King.
  • Willie Rose does not appear in the 1983 film adaptation of Cujo.
  • Willie Rose is the only Castle Rock resident to actually apologize for the prank that he played while under Leland Gaunt's influence.
  • It is possible that William Rose is related to Donna Trenton from Cujo, whose maiden name is Rose.
  • Willie Rose and Father Meehan conducted simultaneous prayer offerings at the spot where Nettie Cobb and Wilma Jerzyck killed each other.


See also[]

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