Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Aliases: Wildcats
Wild Covert Action Teams
Continuity: WildStorm Universe
Type: Superhero team
Status: Active
Founding members: Jacob Marlowe; Spartan; Grifter; Zealot; Maul; Voodoo; Warblade; Void
Former members: Tao; Savant; Mister Majestic; Backlash; Void
Base of operations: Halo Corporation, New York City, New York
Los Angeles, California
Allies: StormWatch
Enemies: Daemonites; Hellspont; Hightower; The Coda
1st appearance: WildC.A.T.s #1

The WildC.A.T.s, also referred to as the Wildcats, is a fictional comic book superhero team. The team was created by artist Jim Lee and was one of the inaugural teams of the neophyte independent comic book publishing company Image Comics. The team first appeared in the first issue of their own four-issue limited series, which gave way to an ongoing series. Throughout their publication, the WildC.A.T.s belonged to Homage Studios, which evolved into WildStorm Productions, which in turn was sold to DC Comics. The WildC.A.T.s are considered part of the greater WildStorm Universe. Early appearances showed that the future WildStorm Universe shared continuity with other in-house studio realities, including the works of Todd McFarlane, Rob Liefeld and Marc Silvestri, though those early connections have been largely ignored as the individual studios grew into their own separate entities. The WildC.A.T.s have also appeared in several crossover projects with Marvel Comics mutant superhero team, the X-Men.


The premise behind the team was that they were comprised of a group of half-human/half-alien super-powered individuals whose origins were rooted to two races of warring alien cultures - the Kherubim and the Daemonites. As the Daemonites began making a beachhead on Earth, those who stood in opposition to them needed to monitor their activities. The Kherubim elder Lord Emp, took on the human guise of Jacob Marlowe and became the CEO of the Halo Corporation. Halo was actually a front for his rogue covert action teams (C.A.T.s), whose function was to hunt down and defeat Daemonite agents wherever they found them. The first team consisted of Grifter, Voodoo, Maul, Spartan, Warblade, Zealot and Void. When the original team undertook an important mission back to Khera, a secondary team was formed back on Earth, which consisted of Savant, Tao, Mister Majestic and Maxine Manchester.


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