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Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Being Human 2.4 001
Homeworld: Earth
Body type: Canine
Limbs: 4
Eyes: 2
Fingers: 10
Toes: 10
Special adaptations: Bio-conversion; Claws; Superhuman durability; Superhuman strength
Prey: Humans

Werewolves are men and women who, through specific circumstances, adopt the physical, mental and/or emotional characteristics of a wolf. The clinical term for this condition is called Lycanthropy. Werewolves have been a popular part of Western European folklore for several centuries, but it wasn't until the 20th century that they became a part of modern pop culture. In addition to vampires, witches and ghosts, werewolves are one of the most popular breeds of supernatural creature and they have appeared in every aspect of the horror medium from films to television, comics, video games, role playing modules and more.


Being Human 1x10 009

A werewolf from Being Human.

The process of becoming a werewolf varies, but can usually be traced to one of three different points of origin. One may be have a curse put upon them which turns them into a werewolf against their will. Others may be members of an actual species of werewolf and thus, are born with their special traits. In most cases however, a person becomes a werewolf after having been bitten or scratched by another werewolf. The actual process of transformation classically takes place during the three nights of the full moon, but more modern werewolves have also been shown to transform at will regardless of the lunar phase.

The physical elements of a werewolf are also very varied. Sometimes a person shape-shifts into an exceedingly large wolf, with no human characteristics whatsoever. In other cases, a person may maintain prominent human traits, but possess excessive body hair, pointed ears, enlarged canines and claws. In other cases, a werewolf may adopt a perfect blend of both human and animal traits, becoming a veritable power house. These werewolf forms, sometimes referred to as crinos form, have become increasingly popular in the past several decades and are arguably the most visually appealing types of werewolves found in film and literature.

Destroying a werewolf can be a complicated and dangerous process. Some traditions believe that the presence of wolfsbane may harm or drive a werewolf away. Other traditions posit that when wolfsbane is in bloom, a man may become a werewolf. The most effective means of destroying a werewolf is through the use of silver. Any weapon made of silver be it a silver bullet, or a silver-tipped cane will prove fatal to a werewolf. This aspect remains as the one constant in nearly all forms of werewolf lore.


Character Source
Aiden Steiner Teen Wolf
Alcide Herveaux True Blood
Andy McDermott An American Werewolf in Paris
Bela the Gypsy Universal Monsters
Brett Talbot Teen Wolf
Bruce W. Wolf Monster Squad
Clayton Danvers Bitten
Daniel Osbourne Buffyverse
Debbie Pelt True Blood
Derek Hale Teen Wolf
Douglas Patrick Reagon Lightning Comics
Eddie Quist Howling, The
Eddie Monroe Grimm
Elena Michaels Bitten
Emma Garza True Blood
Erica Reyes Teen Wolf
Erin Shepherd Being Human
Ethan Steiner Teen Wolf
Galvin Being Human
Gary Hampton Astounding Wolf-Man
George Sands Being Human
Gregory Russoff Marvel Universe
Grigory Russoff Marvel Universe
Isaac Lahey Teen Wolf
Jack Russell Marvel Universe
Jackson Whittemore Teen Wolf
Jeremy Danvers Bitten
Josh Levison Being Human
Karen White Howling, The
Larry Talbot Universal Monsters
Lenore Rogaland Marvel Universe
Liam Dunbar Teen Wolf
Lissa Russell Marvel Universe
Lou Hackett Marvel Universe
Lydia Varadi Marvel Comics
Marcus Bozeman True Blood
Maritza Blackbird WildStorm
Marsha Quist Howling, The
Martha Bozeman True Blood
Nathaniel Blackbird WildStorm
Nina Ash Angel
Nora Sargeant Being Human
Peter Hale Teen Wolf
Postman Grimm
Rahne Sinclair Marvel Universe
Ray Being Human
Raymond Coker Marvel Universe
Rikki Naylor True Blood
Rover DC Universe
Serafine Pigot An American Werewolf in Paris
T.C. Quist Howling, The
Vernon Boyd Teen Wolf
Victoria Argent Teen Wolf

Comic titles[]





See also[]

External Links[]

