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"Unite with me, Taboo -- our power must become as one --!"
"A Sister of Hell"
Werewolf by Night 29
Werewolf by Night
Title: "A Sister of Hell"
Volume: 1
Number: 29
Cover price: .25
Cover date: May, 1975
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Chief: Len Wein
Writers: Doug Moench
Pencilers: Don Perlin
Inkers: Don Perlin
Cover artists: Gil Kane
Cover inker: Klaus Janson
Colorists: George Roussos
Letterers: John Costanza
Editors: Len Wein
Previous: Werewolf by Night #28
Next: Werewolf by Night #30

"A Sister of Hell" is the twenty-ninth issue of the first Werewolf by Night ongoing comic book series published by Marvel Comics. It was written by Doug Moench with artwork and inks by Don Perlin. It was colored by George Roussos and lettered by John Costanza. The story was edited by Len Wein. This issue shipped with a May, 1975 cover date and carries a cover price of .25 cents per copy.

"A Sister of Hell"[]

Topaz and Taboo fight Glitternight

Taboo & Topaz fight Doctor Glitternight!

Jack Russell, in werewolf form, must now face off against his most dangerous foe yet - his own sister! Its bad enough that Lissa Russell inherited the curse of lycanthropy from the Russell family line, but now thanks to an ebony energy blast from Doctor Glitternight, she has transformed into a mutant were-demon! The two swap claw and fang while Taboo and Topaz can do little but watch.

While Jack and Lissa engage in their savage dance of death, Topaz convinces Taboo to join power with her to fight Glitternight. Buck Cowan awakens, and dives at Glitternight from behind. The impact slams Glitternight's head into a wall.

Jack's troubles are just heating up however, as he discovers that his mutated sister can now fire flames from her eyes! He manages to dive out of the way.

Jack vs

Jack vs. Lissa - Round One!

Meanwhile at the 28th precinct of the Los Angeles Police Department, Detective Victor Northrup argues with the chief over his desire to pursue this werewolf matter. The chief is in a bad state, and has had enough trouble with junkies and muggers without Northrup adding werewolves into the mix. Getting nowhere with his superior, Victor storms out of the office. He goes to Colden House and speaks with Tina Sands, who tells him that Jack Russell no longer resides there.

Back at Russoff Castle, Jack and Lissa's battle carries over onto the roof of the cast. When Buck and Topaz arrive, Lissa dives towards them, but Jack tackles Lissa just in time, which sends them toppling over the edge of the roof of the manor. The fall knocks Lissa unconscious, but Jack Russell is still alert. He lopes off into the woods where he changes back into human form. He rushes back to the castle to find Glitternight bound and unconscious. He races upstairs and is relieved to find that Lissa has reverted to human form as well, while Buck and Topaz watch over her.

Elswhere, Raymond Coker arrives in Haiti. After cutting his way through dense jungle, he reaches this destination - the hut of a woman known as Jeesala of de Thousand Years.

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Races & Animals






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