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"Compendium Three"
Walking Dead - Compendium 3
The Walking Dead
Title: "Compendium Three"
Volume: 1
Number: 3
Cover price: $59.99
Cover date: October, 2015
Publisher: Image Comics
Skybound Entertainment
Chief: Eric Stephenson
Writers: Robert Kirkman
Pencilers: Charlie Adlard
Inkers: Charlie Adlard
Cover artists: Charlie Adlard
Cover inker: Charlie Adlard
Cover colorist: Charlie Adlard
Colorists: Cliff Rathburn
Letterers: Rus Wooton
Editors: Sina Grace; Sean Mackiewicz
Previous: Compendium 2
Next: Compendium 4

The Walking Dead Compendium is a trade paperback collection that reprints forty-eight issues of The Walking Dead comic book series by Robert Kirkman. Published by Image Comics and Skybound Entertainment, it was released to retailers in October, 2015. The cover price for this collection is $59.99 US.

Just in time for the new season of The Walking Dead on AMC, the fan- favorite, New York Times bestselling series returns with its third massive paperback collection! With over 1,000 pages, this volume contains the next chapter of Robert Kirkman's Eisner Award-winning continuing story of survival horror. Rick Grimes's dream of rebuilding civilization is tested as the people of Alexandria come into contact with other communities that have developed their own methods of survival. Collects THE WALKING DEAD #97-144.


"Something to Fear"[]

"What Comes After"[]

"March to War"[]

"All Out War - Part One"[]

"All Out War - Part Two"[]

"A New Beginning"[]

"Whispers Into Screams"[]

"Life and Death"[]

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Total page count: 1,112 pages.
  • The tagline for this volume is "The ultimate edition of The New York Times bestseller!"

Recommended Reading[]

See also[]

The World of The Walking Dead



External Links[]
