Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"You really just need to be less of a weirdo than whatever other weirdos try to get in her pants."
Abraham Ford
"Something to Fear (Part 2)"
Walking Dead 98
The Walking Dead
Title: "Something to Fear (Part 2)"
Storyline: "Something to Fear"
Volume: 1
Number: 98
Cover price: $2.99
Cover date: May, 2012
Publisher: Image Comics
Skybound Entertainment
Chief: Eric Stephenson
Writers: Robert Kirkman
Pencilers: Charlie Adlard
Inkers: Charlie Adlard
Cover artists: Charlie Adlard
Cover inker: Charlie Adlard
Cover colorist: Cliff Rathburn
Colorists: Cliff Rathburn
Letterers: Rus Wooton
Editors: Sina Grace
Previous: The Walking Dead #97
Next: The Walking Dead #99

"Something to Fear (Part 2)" is the story title to the 98th issue of The Walking Dead comic book series published by Image Comics. It is the second chapter in the six-part "Something to Fear" storyline. The story was written by series creator Robert Kirkman and illustrated by Charlie Adlard. Adlard also provided the cover art illustration for this issue. Cliff Rathburn provides gray tone coloring accents to this black and white issue and the lettering is done by Rus Wooton. The story is edited by Sina Grace. This issue shipped with a May, 2012 cover date and carries a cover price of $2.99 per copy (US).


Featured characters

Supporting characters


Minor characters






Notes & Trivia[]

  • UPC barcode: 709853000730 09811.
  • This issue shipped in the same month as issue #97.
  • This issue had an estimated sales rank of $49,974.
  • This issue went to second printing which featured a variant cover illustrated by Charlie Adlard.
  • This is the first appearance of Dwight, who is a member of the Saviors. He will become a major character in the series.
  • This is the final appearance of Abraham Ford, who is shot in the head with an arrow by Dwight. Due to the nature of the injury, he does not reanimate.

Recommended Reading[]

See also[]

The World of The Walking Dead



External Links[]
