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"Something so beautiful... and still, it fills me with dread."
Carl Grimes
"The Farm House"
Walking Dead 193
The Walking Dead
Title: "The Farm House"
Volume: 1
Number: 193
Cover price: $3.99
Cover date: July, 2019
Publisher: Image Comics
Skybound Entertainment
Chief: Sean Mackiewicz
Writers: Robert Kirkman
Pencilers: Charlie Adlard
Inkers: Charlie Adlard
Cover artists: Charlie Adlard
Cover inker: Charlie Adlard
Cover colorist: Dave Stewart
Colorists: Cliff Rathburn
Letterers: Rus Wooton
Associates: Arielle Basich
Editors: Sean Mackiewicz
Previous: Walking Dead #192

"The Farm House" is the 193rd and final issue of The Walking Dead ongoing comic book series published by Image Comics and Skybound Entertainment. The story was written by Robert Kirkman with artwork and inks by Charlie Adlard. It has gray tone coloring effects by Cliff Rathburn and was lettered by Rus Wooton. The story was edited by Sean Mackiewicz with Arielle Basich as associate editor. This issue shipped in July, 2019 and carries a cover price of $3.99 per copy (US).

"The Farm House"[]

A roamer wanders onto Carl Grimes' farm. Carl takes to it with a katana and cuts its head in half. Sophia comes running out and they both wonder if there might be more. The following day, Carl discovers that the roamer escaped from a traveling "Walking Dead" show operated by Hershel Greene. When Carl sees Hershel, he punches him in the jaw. Sheriff Kapoor learns about the incident and goes to Carl's house. He tells him that he destroyed personal property and that this is in fact a very serious crime. Carl is astonished at the audacity of all of this. Kapoor tells him that he isn't going to arrest him, but there will likely be a formal hearing. During the hearing, Maggie Greene suddenly appears and makes a plea with the judge on Carl's behalf. The judge declares that Carl is required by law to find a suitable replacement for the specimen that he destroyed. Carl is furious and has it out with Maggie.

The next day, Hershel learns that his traveling show wagon has been busted open. All of the roamers he had inside of it are destroyed. Naturally, Carl Grimes appears to be the number one suspect.

Meanwhile, Carl reunites with Lydia. They make plans to run supplies to varying population centers. They talk about riding out to check on Aaron and Jesus. Carl wants to take the long way through Springhaven. They make the journey, but the house they stop at appears to be empty. Carl leaves a box of supplies and then Lydia and he go on the next leg of their journey. They pitch a tent for the night, but Carl is uncomfortable about sharing a tent with a woman who is not his wife. The two get into an argument over why Carl never takes his eye patch off. He says that he does it so Andrea doesn't have to see evidence of the world they came from.

The following day, Carl and Lydia approach the Western Front where they reunite with Eugene Porter, who has been heading up the construction of a rail-line. The conversation is happy, but turns sour when he meets up with Laura, who is still bitter and continues to blame Carl's father, Rick Grimes, for the death of Dwight. Carl and Lydia complete their supply runs and part company. Carl returns home to the farm.

Its a bittersweet reunion however, as moments later local law officers take Carl into custody for the destruction of Hershel's roamers. The judge at Carl's hearing is non other than Michonne. She reminds the assembly that this is not a trial by an informal hearing of the High Court. Michonne makes an impassioned speech before the gallery, reminding everyone about what the world went through and the sacrifices that were made to shape it into what it is today. She quotes a piece from a statue outside the court house and concludes the proceedings by announcing her intent to outlaw public displays of roamers for profit. Carl Grimes is free to go.

After the hearing, Carl has a long heart-to-heart with Michonne in her chambers. As he leaves, he encounters Hershel, who has nothing nice to say to him at all, and tries to provide justification for his business practices. Carl returns home and spends the evening reading stories to Andrea. He reads her a book about his father and how he changed the world. After he is done, Andrea asks him to "Read it again".


Featured characters

Supporting characters


Minor characters


Races & Animals


  • Commonwealth One
  • Grimes farm house
  • Springhaven




Notes & Trivia[]

  • The Walking Dead was created by writer Robert Kirkman and artists Tony Moore and Charlie Adlard. The original comic series was published by Image Comics and Kirkman's Skybound Entertainment from 2003 to 2019, spanning a total of 193 issue. The Walking Dead television series was developed by Frank Darabont and aired on AMC from 2010 to 2022, spanning eleven seasons and a total of 177 episodes.
  • This is the final issue of the series. It has a special page count of 84 pages. 72 pages are of actual story content making this the single longest issue of the entire series.
  • Production design on this series provided by Andres Juarez. Production by Carina Taylor.
  • This issue includes a salutation page written by series creator Robert Kirkman. It announces that this is the final issue of the series, which went unannounced and surprised readers when they got to the final page.
  • The events of this issue take place twenty-five years after the events of issue #192.
  • This issue establishes that there hasn't been a roamer spotted in the Commonwealth for more than ten years.
  • Andrea Grimes is said to be 6-years-old in this issue. She is named after Andrea, who was a former lover of Rick Grimes.
  • Michonne intones the tagline for the entire series when quoting a line from a statue outside the court house, "In a world ruled by the dead, we are forced to finally start living".
  • The katana that Carl Grimes uses to decapitate the roamer in the beginning of the issue is the same one that Michonne used to carry when she was younger. For some reason she refers to it as a "sword" rather than a katana.
  • This issue confirms that Stephanie has died in the intervening twenty-five years.
  • This is the first and only appearance of Kapoor, who is the sheriff of the Commonwealth.
  • There are a total of only five Roamers featured in this issue; all of which are destroyed by Carl Grimes. Only one of the five is shown to be active.

Body Count[]

  1. Farm house roamer#1 - Head cut in half by Carl Grimes with Michonne's katana at farm.
  2. Wagon roamer #1 - Head cut in half off-panel by Carl Grimes. Body discovered in wagon.
  3. Wagon roamer #2 - Head cut in half off-panel by Carl Grimes. Body discovered in wagon.
  4. Wagon roamer #3 - Head cut in half off-panel by Carl Grimes. Body discovered in wagon.
  5. Wagon roamer #4 - Head cut in half off-panel by Carl Grimes. Body discovered in wagon.


Stories from this issue are reprinted in the following volumes:

  • Walking Dead: Compendium 4
  • Walking Dead, Volume 32: Rest In Peace

Recommended Reading[]

See also[]

The World of The Walking Dead



External Links[]
