Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"I believe in Rick Grimes. They're going to win. It may be hard, a bunch of them might die... but they're going to win. That's what Rick Grimes does. And when it's all over... and all the whisperers are dead, and Rick and his people are weary and weak... we'll take over whatever is left."
"The Whisperer War (Part 5)"
Walking Dead 161
The Walking Dead
Title: "The Whisperer War (Part 5)"
Storyline: "The Whisperer War"
Volume: 1
Number: 161
Cover price: $2.99
Cover date: December, 2016
Publisher: Image Comics
Skybound Entertainment
Ex. Ed: Eric Stephenson
Writers: Robert Kirkman
Pencilers: Charlie Adlard
Inkers: Stefano Gaudiano
Cover artists: Charlie Adlard; Art Adams
Cover inker: Charlie Adlard; Art Adams
Cover colorist: Dave Stewart; Nathan Fairbairn
Colorists: Cliff Rathburn
Letterers: Rus Wooton
Editors: Sean Mackiewicz
Previous: The Walking Dead #160
Next: The Walking Dead #162

"The Whisperer War (Part 5)" is the title to the 161st issue of the survival horror series The Walking Dead, which is published by Image Comics and Skybound Entertainment. The story was written by Robert Kirkman with artwork by Charlie Adlard and inks by Stefano Gaudiano. It featured grey coloring highlights by Cliff Rathburn and was lettered by Rus Wooton. The story was edited by Sean Mackiewicz. This issue shipped with a December, 2016 cover date and carries a cover price of $2.99 per copy (US).

"The Whisperer War"[]

At Hilltop, Lydia empties a handgun into as many Whisperer as she can until she runs out of ammo. After which, she picks up a sword from a cadaver and begins slicing through her foes. Inside Barrington House, Carl Grimes races from room to room getting people out as flames tear through the structure. Smoke inhalation becomes too much though and he collapses. Aaron manages to find Carl and scoops him up. He jumps out the window with him and regroups with the others. Dante administers first CPR to Carl.

The group take on the Whisperers one on one and succeed in driving back their archers. It is literally a pyric victory however as Barrington House goes up in flames. Maggie wanly says, "Yay. We won."

Back at Alexandria, Connie has been bitten by a roamer and shouts that she needs to have her hand amputated. Kelly cannot bring herself to do it, and Yumiko hesitates. Magna takes up a hatchet and cuts off Connie's hand to keep the infection from spreading. In Rick's office, he has a conversation with Andrea and tells her to keep an eye out for both Whisperers and Saviors when she is holding post in her guard tower.

At the Sanctuary, Tara goes into Sherry's room to go over strategy. Sherry tells her that she believes in Rick Grimes, which means that she is confident that Rick's group will prove triumphant over the Whisperers. Once the more immediate threat is alleviated, the Saviors will then be able to pick over the remains.

Featured characters

Supporting characters


Minor characters






Notes & Trivia[]

Body Count[]

  • No named characters are killed in this issue.
  • Multiple zombies killed by Lydia who uses both a handgun and a sword.
  • Multple Whisperers killed by Lydia, Aaron, and Dante. One Whisperer who calls Lydia a traitor is stabbed through the head.

V.I.P. Awards[]

  • Hero Award: The Hero Award goes to Carl Grimes who rescues multiple people from Barrington House.
  • Asskicker Award: The Asskicker Award goes to Lydia who takes down more zombies and Whisperers than anyone else.
  • Biyatch Award: The Biyatch Award goes to Sherry for her mercenary attitude towards Rick's group.
  • Hardcore Award: The Hardcore Award goes to Magna, who doesn't even flinch when she hacks off Connie's hand.
  • Whiner Award: The Whiner Award surprisingly goes to Negan, who is still blubbering over his broken baseball bat.

Recommended Reading[]

See also[]

The World of The Walking Dead



External Links[]
