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"Whispers Into Screams"
Walking Dead 137
The Walking Dead
Title: "Whispers Into Screams"
Volume: 1
Number: 137
Cover price: $2.99
Cover date: February, 2015
Publisher: Image Comics
Skybound Entertainment
Ex. Ed: Eric Stephenson
Writers: Robert Kirkman
Pencilers: Charlie Adlard
Inkers: Stefano Gaudiano
Cover artists: Charlie Adlard
Cover inker: Charlie Adlard
Cover colorist: Dave Stewart
Colorists: Cliff Rathburn
Letterers: Rus Wooton
Editors: Sean Mackiewicz
Previous: The Walking Dead #136
Next: The Walking Dead #138

"Whispers Into Screams" is the title to the 137th issue of The Walking Dead comic book series, published by Image Comics and Skybound Entertainment. It is the fifth chapter of the "Whispers Into Screams" storyline. The story was written by Robert Kirkman with artwork by Charlie Adlard, inks by Stefano Gaudiano, and grey-tone coloring highlights by Cliff Rathburn. It was edited by Sean Mackiewicz. The issue was published with a February, 2015 cover date and carries a cover price of $2.99 per copy (US).


Featured characters

Supporting characters


Minor characters






Notes & Trivia[]

  • This series is rated M for Mature.
  • This issue had an estimated sales rank of $65,620.
  • This issue is UPC barcode 709853000730 13711.
  • Reference is made to Dale in this episode. Dale was bitten by a roamer, then attacked by a group of cannibalistic hunters who ate his leg. He died and was put down by Andrea before he could reanimate in issue #66.


  • Maggie Greene: Carl? What are you doing?
  • Carl Grimes: What? I'm just talking to Lydia.
  • Maggie Greene: Well, Carl... that's what we've come to do. We need to get more information out of her. You could really mess that up.
  • Paul Monroe: Yeah... if she talks to you... she might not want to keep talking to us.
  • Carl Grimes: Well, if you don't lock her up and instead showed her how nice we can be, maybe she'd want to talk to all of us.
  • Maggie Greene: We are being nice to her. We're just talking.
  • Carl Grimes: While you've got her locked away like a prisoner. You're scaring her, Maggie.
  • Paul Monroe: She killed two of our people, Carl.
  • Carl Grimes: And how many of her people did you kill?

Recommended Reading[]

See also[]

The World of The Walking Dead



External Links[]
