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WED Treadwell repair droid
Type: Droid
Continuity: Star Wars
Availability: Common item
Manufacturer: Cybot Galactica
1st appearance: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

A WED Treadwell repair droid is a fictional robot and a model of droid featured in the Star Wars multimedia franchise. Two such droids made brief appearances in the original 1977 film Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.


The WED Treadwell repair droid is a parent model of service droid that employs various sub-model for various usage. They were developed by Cybot Galactica and utilized in outdoor terrains on many Outer-Rim worlds such as Tatooine. These droids were used quite extensively during the years surrounding the Clone Wars. The droids had a small rolling tread chassis, which was ideal for movement across sandy terrain. They also possessed multiple articulating arms that could perform routine functions simultaneously. The central body was a cylindrical shaft to house the arms, which terminated in a sensor display for its head.

One series was the WED-15 Septoid Treadwell, which was used by Owen Lars to effect repairs on his moisture vaporators. A similar model, the WED 15 2 Septoid was also employed on Tatooine. One of these droids could be seen when the Jawas first came to the Lars homestead looking to sell their wares.

Another such droid was used by the Rebel Alliance on Hoth. It could be seen moving about the hangar bay near the Millennium Falcon at Echo Base.


  • A toy version of the WED treadwell repair droid was packaged with the action figure of the older Beru Lars, which was produced as part of the 1999 "Powers of the Force" series two collection.


See also[]


The World of Star Wars

Star Wars miscellaneous
