Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
W.C. Menzies Elementary School
Continuity: Invaders from Mars
Category: Learning center
Continent: North America
Country: United States of America
State: California
County: Los Angeles County
City: Los Angeles
Locale: Willowcrest
Residents: Mrs. McKeltch
1st appearance: Invaders from Mars (1986)

W.C. Menzies Elementary School is a fictional location featured in the 1986 film Invaders from Mars. It served as the primary setting for the film.


W.C. Menzies Elementary School is a public elementary school located in the Willowcrest School District in Los Angeles, California. One of its teachers was a middle-aged woman named Mrs. McKeltch. The school nurse was Linda Magnusson. Two students of note were David Gardner and a girl named Heather.


While David Gardner was in biology class one day, one of the students decided to play a prank by hurling one of the biology frogs at him. David responded by throwing the thing back at him, but while doing so, sliced his finger slightly on a scalpel. This enraged teacher Mrs. McKeltch, who blamed David for the incident. She sent David down to the nurse's office.

Martian drones invaded the school and infected Mrs. McKeltch with a brain implant, that forced her to follow their commands. David caught wind of this and warned Linda Magnusson, who helped him escape from the school.




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