Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"The voice has saved us more times than I can remember. She's the reason we're going to take back the surface."
Cleopatra 2525 logo
Continuity: Cleopatra 2525
Type: Supporting character
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Relatives: None
Status: Alive
First: "Quest for Firepower"
Actor: Elizabeth Hawthorne

Voice is the name given to a supporting character featured in the syndicated science fiction television series Cleopatra 2525. Literally a disembodied voice, she was portrayed by actress Elizabeth Hawthorne.


Voice was one of the leaders of the reistance movement to take back the surface of the Earth from the robotic forces of the Baileys in the 26th century. Though she never interacted physically with those under her command, she coordinated her efforts through a voice receptor worn by a warrior woman named Helen Carter. Voice could also communicate her instructions through the audio receivers in the freedom fighters' laboratory headquarters and through the robot scientist known as Mauser.

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Voice served a similar role to that of Charlie Townsend, the disembodied and mysterious leader featured in the popular 1970s action series Charlie's Angels.

See also[]

