Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Visitor Mother Ship 001
Visitor mother ship

The Visitor mother ship is a fictional space vessel featured in the V television franchise. The mother ships were featured in all incarnations of the franchise beginning with the original V miniseries and continuing in V: The Final Battle, the V ongoing series from 1984 and the 2009 V relaunch series.


The mother ship was a generational capitol ship used by the alien race known only as the Visitors. The ships were large, saucer-shaped vessels, capable of deep space travel and housing hundreds of beings, including command crew and passengers. The ships were also equipped with shuttlecrafts and single-pilot fighters.


Visitor Mother Ship 002

A mother ship from the 2009 V series.


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This article relates to items featured in and pertaining to the V franchise. This template will categorize articles that include it into the V/Items category.