Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Vila Restal
Vila Restal
Continuity: Blake's 7
Notability: Main character
Type: Thief
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Location: The Liberator
Status: Deceased
First: "The Way Back"
Final: "Blake"
Actor: Michael Keating

Vila Restal is a fictional thief and one of the main characters from the British science fiction television series Blake's 7. Played by actor Michael Keating, he first appeared in the pilot episode of the series, "The Way Back".


Vila was a thief and a member of Earth's Delta grade criminal underclass. He met Roj Blake while trying to pick-pocket him inside of a prison cell block. Vila later participated in the rebellion aboard the transport ship London but was left behind when Blake escaped in the Liberator.


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