Shadow was a young man who lived in San Francisco, California in the late 1990s. Along with several friends, he enjoyed playing a live-action roleplaying game called "Red Thirst", which was published by a company called Silver Fang. The group of friends pantomimed the perceived actions and exploits of vampires, little realizing that some actual vampires were on the prowl. A female biker gang called the Vamps rode through the city looking for some fresh kills. They plowed through the wannabe vampires, sinking their fangs into their throats and ravaging them for blood without even slowing down on their bikes. (Vamps: Pumpkin Time 1)
Silk Cut[]
Silk Cut is brand of low tar cigarette produced by the Gallaher Group. The packaging is characterized by a distinctive stark white packet with the brand name in either a purple, blue, silver, white or green square. Silk Cut is the preferred cigarette of choice for occult investigator John Constantine. Years of smoking Silk Cut eventually gave John cancer, but he manipulated three demons (all of whom were vying for John's soul) into curing his cancer, thus saving his life. Were John to actually die from smoking Silk Cut, the demons would risk perpetuating a war in Hell just to claim his soul.