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Van Helsing vs. The Werewolf
Title: Van Helsing vs. The Werewolf
Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment
Type: Limited series
Years published: July-December, 2017
Total issues: 6
Featuring: Liesel Van Helsing
Creators: Chuck Dixon; Allan Otero; Robby Bevard; Taylor Esposito; Drew Edward Johnson; Dave Franchini
Previous: Van Helsing vs. The Mummy of Amun-Ra
Next: Van Helsing vs. Robyn Hood

Van Helsing vs. The Werewolf is an American comic book limited series of the action and horror franchises. It is part of the Van Helsing line of comic book titles published by Zenescope Entertainment. The series ran for six issues and was published from July to December, 2017. The book was written by Chuck Dixon with artwork and inks by Allan Otero. It was colored by Robby Bevard with lettering by Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph Studios. The book was edited by Dave Franchini.

A brutal werewolf attack on a high mountain ledge! A heist in the Forbidden City. An epic kung-fu brawl at the airport! A battle with a vampire at 35,000 feet! A horrific crash in the Himalayas! And that's only the start of the newest Liesel Van Helsing adventure! The legendary vampire killer is on a global hunt for the Sword of Heaven, the ultimate demon-killing weapon.


  • Van Helsing vs. the Werewolf #1
  • Van Helsing vs. the Werewolf #2
  • Van Helsing vs. the Werewolf #3
  • Van Helsing vs. the Werewolf #4
  • Van Helsing vs. the Werewolf #5
  • Van Helsing vs. the Werewolf #6

Annuals & Specials


  • Van Helsing vs. the Werewolf (TPB)

Notes & Trivia

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Recommended Reading

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