Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Van Helsing vs. the Mummy of Amun-Ra
Van Helsing vs. the Mummy of Amun-Ra (TPB)
Title: Van Helsing vs. the Mummy of Amun-Ra
Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment
Type: Limited series
Years published: February-July, 2017
Total issues: 6
Featuring: Liesel van Helsing; Amun-Ra
Creators: Patrick Shand; Roberta Ingranata; Marc Rosete; Fran Gamboa; Walter Pereyra; J.C. Ruiz; Jim Campbell
Previous: Van Helsing vs. Frankenstein
Next: Van Helsing vs. the Werewolf

Van Helsing vs. the Mummy of Amun-Ra is an American comic book limited series of the adventure and horror genres. It was published by Zenescope Entertainment and ran for six issues from February to July, 2017. The series was written and edited by Patrick Shand with artwork and inks by Roberta Ingranata and Marc Rosete. It was colored by Fran Gamboa, Walter Pereyra and J.C. Ruiz and lettered by Jim Campbell. The series features the character of Liesel van Helsing who must pit her crossbow against the threat of the mummy known as Amun-Ra.

After facing a devastating personal loss, Liesel van Helsing wages war against the supernatural threat in New York City with a new level of fury. However, an enemy from Liesel's past is back with power unlike any enemy the vampire hunter has ever faced. To defeat this new foe, Liesel must grapple both with her horrific past and her dismal future if she hopes to emerge from this battle alive.


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