V is a science fiction television series aired on ABC. It was produced by the Scott Peters Company for Warner Bros. Television and began airing on November 3rd, 2009. V was a re-imagining of the 1983V television mini-series as well as its follow-up projects, V: The Final Battle and the short-lived 1984V weekly television series. Although this series recyled many of the same plot devices from the original program, most of the characters and story elements are unique to the revival series. The premise behind V revolves around a race of aliens who refer to themselves as Visitors who arrive on Earth waving the banner of peace. In truth however, they are a conquering species who intend on subjugating the planet. Visitor sleeper agents have lived on Earth for years disguised as humans, though many of them, separated from the "Bliss" offered them by their masters, have turned against their own kind, forming a revolutionary cell known as the Fifth Column. Several humans have discovered the truth behind the Visitors' intentions and have banded together as a resistance, dedicated towards exposing the true nature of these so-called "peaceful" aliens to the world at large.
The role of Anna was originally offered to actress Famke Janssen who turned it down.
The pilot episode of the series was screened at the San Diego Comic-Con on July 26th, 2009. [1]
Actress Jane Badler, who played the Visitor Diana in the original V mini-series and V regular series came back to the franchise in 2011 playing the part of Anna's mother, who is also named Diana. The character was named in homage to Badler's original role in the franchise. She debuted at the end of the season two premiere, "Red Rain".