Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
United States Marine Corps
United States Marine Corps logo
Vital statistics
Name United States Marine Corps
Aliases USMC
Type Military
Status Active
Allies United States Air Force; United States Army; United States Navy
First appearance

The United States Marine Corps (USMC) is one of the five main branches of the United States Armed Forces. It is a component of the United States Department of the Navy and works in conjunction with the United States Navy who often deploys squadrons of marine ground forces overseas for purposes of military conflict and/or to project the presence of power and authoritative control in a given territory.

Rank structure[]




The following is a list of characters who are members of the United States Marine Corps (incomplete).

Character Continuity Ranks held [1]
A.J. The Exterminators Unknown
Al Simmons Spawn Lieutenant Colonel
Axel Miller Van Helsing Unknown
Chet Donnelly Weird Science Unknown
Climet Wilson Invaders from Mars General
Cooper Hawkes Space: Above and Beyond Lieutenant
David Reid DC Universe Lance Corporal
Edison Po Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Unknown
Frank Castle Marvel Universe Unknown
Giyera Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Unknown
Greg Hartley Planet of the Apes Lieutenant Commander [2]
Hank Heywood, Sr. DC Universe Commander
Jack Wheeler DC Universe Unknown
John Custer Preacher Unknown
John Proudstar The Gifted Unknown
Lucas Stand Lucas Stand Unknown
Paul Wang Space: Above and Beyond Lieutenant
Ray Schoonover Marvel Cinematic Universe Colonel
Red Dugan DC Universe Sergeant
Terry Bellefleur True Blood Unknown
Vic Sommers DC Universe Unknown
Whitney Fordman Smallville Unknown

Notes & Trivia[]

External Links[]


  1. Only shows ranks that have been visibly demonstrated throughout the source material. Does not include ranks that a character would have gone through to get to their static positions.
  2. The novelization of Escape from the Planet of the Apes identifies Hartley as Lieutenant Commander when in all likelihood, he would have been a Lieutenant Commander.

