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United States Army
Aliases: U.S. Army
Type: Military personnel
Status: Active
Allies: United States Air Force; United States Marine Corps; United States Navy
Enemies: Nazis; Terrorists

The United States Army is the main branch of the United States Armed Forces responsible for land-based military operations. It is the largest and oldest established branch of the U.S. military, and is one of seven U.S. uniformed services. The modern army has its roots in the Continental Army which was formed on June 14th, 1775, before the establishment of the United States, to meet the demands of the American Revolutionary War. The Congress of the Confederation officially created the United States Army on June 3rd, 1784 after the end of the Revolutionary War to replace the disbanded Continental Army. The army considers itself to be descended from the Continental Army and thus dates its inception from the origins of that force.

The United States Air Force plays heavily in the realm of science fiction, particularly mediums that involve large scale military or extraterrestrial incursions upon US soil.

In fiction[]

This section needs to be expanded to conform to a higher standard of quality..

The United States Army is generally called to duty during times of national, even planetwide crisis. In the 2009 disaster movie 2012, the US Army and the other branches of the Armed Forces helped American citizens in an attempt to survive a series of earthquakes and volcanic activity that was devastating the entire country.

Planet of the Apes[]

In the 1971 film Escape from the Planet of the Apes, the United States Army was present when a US space vessel returned to Earth carrying three talking chimpanzees who had arrived from the distant future.

Space Odyssey[]

In the continued non-canon adventures of the Space Odyssey mythos, the United States Army were tasked with wiping out the X-series of robots, which had all gone insane. Leading this campaign was Colonel Simon Kragg. During the initial rebellion, Kragg lost an eye, but succeeded in eliminating X-1 through X-50. A robot known as X-51 managed to survive and became known as Machine Man.


The following is a list of characters who are members of the United States Army (incomplete).

Character Continuity Ranks held [1]
Alex Gentry Marvel Universe Unknown
Alison R. Hart-Burnett G.I. Joe Sergeant
Alvin Barnes Marvel Universe Private
Conrad S. Hauser G.I. Joe Sergeant
Craig Marvel Universe Captain
Curt Connors Marvel Universe Medic
Danny Sylva Marvel Universe Sergeant
Dick Rory Legends of Tomorrow Unknown
Ellen Brandt Marvel Cinematic Universe Unknown
Elmo Diggs Land of the Lost Captain
Fred Davis, Jr. Marvel Universe Unknown
Gary Pervier Cujo Soldier
George Whitman Hellboy Sergeant
Greg Salinger Marvel Universe Unknown
Harper Teen Wolf Colonel
Haywerth Marvel Universe General
Henry Casper DC Universe Colonel
Hollister DC Universe Lieutenant
Isaiah Bradley Marvel Universe Unknown
Jack Taggart Marvel Cinematic Universe Unknown
Jack Thompson Agent Carter Unknown
Jacob Kane DC Universe Colonel
Jacobs Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. General
Joyner Arrow Lieutenant
Kelly O'Brien Aliens vs. Predator Unknown
Larry Rock DC Universe Lieutenant
Louis Kiyahani DC Universe Soldier
Madison Jeffries Marvel Universe Unknown
Mark Suveg The X-Files General
Martin Ramsey Evil Ernie General
Meade Marvel Universe General
Michael Keane Marvel Universe Unknown
Mike Duffy Marvel Universe Sergeant
Ned Talbot Incredible Hulk (1982) Major
Phillip Darnell DC Universe General
Rip Carter DC Universe Captain
Sam Lane DC Universe General
Simon Kragg Marvel Universe Colonel/General
Stevens Aliens vs. Predator Colonel
Tanhill Six Million Dollar Man General
Thaddues Ross Incredible Hulk (1982) General
Unknown Soldier DC Universe Unknown
Wade Wilson Marvel Universe Unknown
Whitey Smith DC Universe Private





See also[]

External Links[]


  1. Only shows ranks that have been visibly demonstrated throughout the source material. Does not include ranks that a character would have gone through to get to their static positions.

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