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Ultimate Fallout
Ultimate Fallout - Death of Spider-Man
Title: Ultimate Fallout
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Imprint: Ultimate Marvel
Type: Limited series
Years published: September-October, 2011
Total issues: 6
Creators: Brian Michael Bendis; Mark Bagley; Andy Lanning; Justin Ponsor; Laura Martin; Cory Petit; Sana Amanat; Mark Paniccia

Ultimate Fallout is an American comic book limited series of the superhero fantasy genre. It was published by Marvel Comics and ran for six issues from September-October 2011. The series takes place in the "Ultimate Marvel" continuity. The series was written by Brian Michael Bendis with artwork by Mark Bagley, inks by Andy Lanning, and coloring by Justin Ponsor & Laura Martin. It was lettered by Cory Petit of Virtual Calligraphy. The series was edited by Mark Paniccia.


Annuals & Specials


Notes & Trivia

  • The tagline for the series is "Spider-Man No More".

Recommended Reading

Ongoing Titles

Limited Series

One-Shots & Graphic Novels

See also

Spider-Man Media

The World of Spider-Man

External Links
