Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Trina - 28 Days Later
Aliases: Trina
Continuity: 28 Days Later
Notability: Supporting character
Type: Photographer
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Location: Europe
Status: Deceased
First: 28 Days Later #1
Final: 28 Days Later #4

Trina is a fictional photographer and a recurring character featured in the 28 Days Later ongoing comic book series published by Boom! Studios. She first appeared in 28 Days Later #1 in July, 2009.


Trina was an adult female who worked as a photographer. She was part of a team led by Clint Harris to fly past the infected quarantine zone in Europe to get into London, England. Their helicopter took fire from a military airplane and they were forced to land in the Shetland Islands. Try tried flagging down civilians for help, only to discover that they were already infected. The group survived this attack and made their way to an abandoned hotel in Sumburgh. They sealed themselves in the building and one of her colleagues, Hirsch, and she scoped the place out for potential weapons. Hirsch fell into a service elevator shaft and Trina had to help him out. As the infected began to get inside the building, they escaped in a van and went to a bar near a boat dock. Things appeared to be safe for a while, and the group relaxed a bit by playing poker. Trina wagered her camera. [1]

An infected entered the bar and bit Hirsch, prompting a woman named Selena to take action. She hacked Hirsch to death with a machete, and Trina completely lost her composure. She never forgave Selena for killing Hirsch, even though it was the right thing to do. When the next wave of infected stormed the building, Trina sneaked behind Selena and bit her on the arm. She then shouted to everyone that Selena was infected and that they should kill her. After finishing off the real infected, Selena told the group that it was Trina that had bitten her and not one of the infected. The bite wasn't even strong enough to break the skin. [2]

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