Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Star Trek - Deep Space Nine 1x01 010
Continuity: Star Trek
Category: Alien
Status: Existing
Homeworld: Trill
Stellar system: Trill system
Galaxy: Milky Way Galaxy
Body type: Humanoid
Limbs: Humanoid (4)
Trill (None)
Eyes: Humanoid (2)
Trill (Unknown)
Fingers: Humanoid (10)
Trill (None)
Toes: Humanoid (10)
Trill (None)
Special adaptations: Symbiotic hosts
Representatives: Jadzila Dax; Ezri Dax; Kurzon Dax; Norvo Tigan
Allies: Federation Starfleet
1st appearance: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Emissary (Jadzia Dax)

Trills are two distinctive alien races featured in the Star Trek mythos. They were primarily featured in the TV series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and were represented by characters such as Jadzia Dax and Ezri Dax.


A Trill is comprised of two living organisms who share a symionic existence with one another. The host form is a humanoid characterized by colored spots that run from their temples down the sides of their body; the other form is that of a mollusc-like being that lives inside the humanoid form.


Notes & Trivia[]

  • Biologically, Trills are similar to the Goa'uld featured in the Stargate franchise.

Related pages[]

See also[]

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