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Helicopter in the Alps
Transylvanian Alps
Category: Region
Continent: Europe
Country: Romania
State: Transylvania

The Transylvanian Alps is an actual location in the state of Transylvania in the country of Romania. It has been featured in speculative fiction, mostly relating to the Dracula franchise.

Dracula had captured Rachel van Helsing and was transporting her across the alps in a helicopter. Through an act of arrogance, Dracula killed the pilot and the chopper crashed in the mountains. Dracula emerged relatively unscathed, but Rachel had broken her leg. They found shelter inside of a cave and Dracula made a fire to keep her warm. Not knowing how long they could survive in such conditions, Dracula made sure to keep Rachel healthy, as he would likely require her blood. He attacked and slew a mountain goat, but the taste of its blood was unsastisfying. He cooked it up and made Rachel eat it.

Frank Drake found Rachel and managed to rescue her. This was around the same time that Dracula had his first full encounter with Doctor Sun.

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