Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Tooth & Nail Tavern
Continuity: WolfCop film series
Aliases: Tooth and Nail Tavern
Category: Business
Continent: North America
Country: Canada
Province: Saskatchewan
Town: Woodhaven
Residents: Jessica
1st appearance: WolfCop

The Tooth & Nail Tavern is a fictional business featured in the WolfCop film series. It is a minor setting for the films and appeared in the WolfCop feature film in 2014.


The Tooth & Nail Tavern was one of several such country & western style bars located in the town of Woodhaven. Its popularity always increased during the annual Drink & Shoot festival. Jessica worked here as a bartender while maintaining her youthful appearance. Lou Garou was a frequent customer at the tavern. Members of the Piggies gang were also known to congregate at the Tooth & Nail. One afternoon, mayoral prospect Terry Wallace came into the bar promoting his campaign to oust the current mayor, Bradley.





See also[]
