Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Includes a list of characters, actors and production crew members whose first names are Tony.


Tony - Aliens

Tony was an adult male stationed on the planetoid A6 454. A dropship from a scientific research vessel The Dolomite landed on the planet and deposited the cyberantic Xenomorph robot dubbed "Norbert", along with Mac - a dog. Tony and a co-worker spotted Mac on a hilltop and approached him. His movements caused a nearby sleeping Xenomorph to awaken. Tony opened fire on the alien, which did little good. The creature chased after him killed him by biting his head with its primary mandible and then spearing him through the mouth with his secondary mandible. (Aliens: Hive 2)

Marvel Universe[]


Tony - ASM 225

Tony was a staff member at Empire State University. He worked in the mailroom. He was present the day that Greg Salinger, the Foolkiller attacked the college facility and began firing at people in the mailroom. (Amazing Spider-Man 225)

The Shining[]

Danny Torrance 001

"Tony" was the name of an imaginary friend conceived by six-year-old Danny Torrance. Danny described him as a little boy who lived inside of his mouth. Tony was Danny's child-like way of interpreting information he gained via his innate extrasensory perception. Danny communicated as Tony by using a raspy voice and by bending his index finger in time with his words. Through Tony, Danny was able to perceive the various ghosts that haunted the Overlook Hotel. It was in Tony's voice that Danny first invoked the phrase, "Redrum".

The Walking Dead[]

Walking Dead 2x08 005

There were two characters named Tony featured on the AMC survival horror series The Walking Dead. The first was a large man who was partnered with a guy named Dave. Played by actor Aaron Munoz, he appeared in the season two episode, "Nebraska". The character also made a brief appearance in the beginning of the following episode, "Triggerfinger". Tony and Dave encountered Rick Grimes, Hershel Greene and Glenn Rhee in an abandoned bar. They pretended to be friendly, but Rick quickly deduced that they intended on doing them harm, so he shot both Dave and Tony dead before they could get the chance to shoot him. (Walking Dead: Triggerfinger)

This individual, also named Tony, was a member of the Claimers under the leadership of a man named Joe. He took up temporary sanctuary in a farm house that was occupied by Rick Grimes. After leaving the house, Tony and the other Claimers took Daryl Dixon into their group. (Walking Dead: A)


Tony - Wonderland 001

Tony was an overweight middle-aged man who had a wife and a teenage son. As a child, Tony suffered great abuse at the hands of his father, who disappeared many years ago. While Tony was out-of-shape and generally unlikeable, his son was a good looking young man, athletic, and quite popular. This drove Tony nuts. After watching his boy celebrate a winning baseball game, Tony beat him harshly for showboating. One day, Tony's son decided he could no longer tolerate such abuse and pushed his father through a magic mirror into Wonderland. The psychosis that had taken hold of Tony for so many years finally manifested itself, and he literally tore himself into two people, Tweedledum and Tweedledee. The twin Tweedles found a diner while searching for food. While there, they encountered The Carpenter, who was in fact Tony's father. The deranged madman killed his son with a sledgehammer. (Tales from Wonderland 2)
