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Walking Dead 11x10 003
Tomi Okumura
Aliases: Tomichi Okumura
Continuity: The Walking Dead
Notability: Supporting character
Type: Surgeon
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Associations: The Commonwealth
Relatives: Yumiko Okumura
Status: Alive
First: "Out of the Ashes"
Final: "Rest in Peace"
Actor: Ian Anthony Dale

Tomichi "Tomi" Okumura is a fictional surgeon and a supporting character featured in the AMC survival horror television series The Walking Dead. Played by actor Ian Anthony Dale, he was introduced in the fifth episode of season eleven titled "Out of the Ashes". He made seven appearances in the series in total.


Tomichi is a sensible, intelligent, and good-natured individual. Before the apocalypse, Tomi was a surgeon. However, he reveals that he was miserable due to the stress of having people's lives on his hands. At the start of the outbreak, he joined the Commonwealth and became a baker, keeping his medical experience a secret. However, when his sister Yumiko accidentally outs him, Tomi is forced to become a surgeon. After this, Tomi is visibly unhappy and disheveled. Despite this, he still tries his best and cares for his patients. He is still shown to be distraught whenever one of his patients dies. After helping Theresa, Tomi seems to be reinvigorated and happier in his job. It's also shown that he is highly respected and liked in the Commonwealth to the point that Pamela can't make Tomi disappear without serious repercussions.

Tomi is generally cautious and sticks with the status quo for survival, even encouraging Yumiko to do the same after her friends disappear. Tomi admits that he's not happy about it, but he just doesn't feel that there's any other choice. However, Tomi shows signs of a rebellious streak similar to his sister's at times, suggesting that life in the Commonwealth under Pamela Milton's tyranny has forced him to suppress it. Tomi shows great enjoyment at breaking the rules to help Ezekiel out and implies that he was a serious rule-breaker when he was younger. He also helps Mercer, his people and the Coalition while they are trying to take down Pamela, apparently siding with them without hesitation over taking the safer path of siding with Pamela. [1]

Notes & Trivia[]

  • The character of Tomi Okumura was created by director Greg Nicotero and writer LaToya Morgan based on concepts developed by Robert Kirkman.
  • Based upon his accent, Tomi and Yumiko were presumably born in England and immigrated to the United States at some point.


  1. Walking Dead: Out of the Ashes
  2. Walking Dead: Promises Broken
  3. Walking Dead: New Haunts
  4. Walking Dead: The Lucky Ones
  5. Walking Dead: Trust
  6. Walking Dead: What's Been Lost
  7. Walking Dead: Rest in Peace

See also[]

The World of The Walking Dead



External Links[]


  1. The Walking Dead Fandom; Tomichi Okumuar (TV Series). Overview.