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See also Tiny for a complete list of references to clarify differences between these closely named or closely related articles.

Continuity: DC Universe
Type: Recurring character
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Location: Hill's Circus
Status: Alive
First: Strange Adventures #205

Tiny is a fictional strong man and a minor recurring character featured in comic books published by DC Comics. He was introduced during the Pre-Crisis Earth-One (Silver Age) era of publishing continuity, but his existence and history were preserved in Post-Crisis continuity as well. He is generally associated with the Deadman series of comic book stories. He first appeared in Strange Adventures #205 in October, 1967.


Tiny was a circus strongman in the employ of the Hill's Circus. Though tough and powerful, Tiny was kind-hearted, but also intellectually stunted. He was close friends with trapese performers Boston and Cleveland Brand and was extremely saddened after Boston was gunned down by an assassin's bullet. Tiny also formed a strong affection for the circus' manager, Lorna Hill, and was very protective of her.


Notes & Trivia[]

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