Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Walking Dead 7x09 008

Tigers are four-legged mammals of the animal kingdom of the feline infraorder. In taxonomy, their official biological classification is "big-ass cat". Tigers are easily distinguishable from other big-ass cats by their orange and white fur and black vertical striping down the sides of their body. They also have a penchant for eating certain brands of breakfast cereal, which they regard as "grrrrrrreat!" Tigers can be found in various parts of Asia such as India, Turkey, Southeast Asia and even Siberia - home of the... you guessed it -- Siberian Tiger. Tigers may also be found in fictional, mystical kingdoms such as the land of Oz. As Dorothy Gale herself once intoned, "Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!" Tigers usually walk about on all fours, but some prefer a position of crouching, particularly if there is a hidden dragon nearby (Yeah, okay... that was one editor's lame attempt at a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon joke).

Tigers of note[]

Character Source
Shiva The Walking Dead
Tawky Tawny DC Universe



  1. He-Man: Diamond Ray of Disappearance
  2. Incredible Hulk: The Beast Within
  3. Walking Dead: The Well
  4. Walking Dead: Rock in the Road
  5. Walking Dead: New Best Friends
  6. Walking Dead: Bury Me Here
  7. Walking Dead: The First Day of the Rest of Your Life
  8. Walking Dead: Mercy


  1. Batman 685
  2. Marvel Fanfare 10
  3. Walking Dead 108
  4. Walking Dead 110
  5. Walking Dead 117
  6. Walking Dead 118


  1. Forbidden Planet

