Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Third Moon
Aliases: The Third Moon
Continuity: Marvel Universe
Type: Cult
Status: Active
Members: Vârcolac
Enemies: Jack Russell
1st appearance: Werewolf by Night, Vol. 2 #1

The Third Moon is a fictional cult featured in comic books published by Marvel Comics. It is associated with the "Werewolf by Night" line of titles and first appeared in Werewolf by Night, Volume 2 #1 in February, 1998.


The Third Moon was a wolf cult whose history is steeped in mystery. According Father Vince Adobe, the Third Moon predates the time of Jesus Christ and have always maintained a staunch air of secrecy. Throughout history, references to the Third Moon have appeared in different forms of literature relating to a demon that controls the wolf aspect in humanity. Due to what little information had been recorded, some theorized that this entity was actually an amalgamation of multiple demons.

Third Moon

Human sacrifice.

The Third Moon chanced upon a special blade that they hoped would enable them to control the demon. However, they found themselves indebted to the creature instead. They soon discovered that the wolfsblade was but a fragment of a larger piece needed to control the demon.

In the 1930s, a silent film star named Walter Clark purchased the wolfsblade. Known for throwing lavish parties, Clark kept the blade as a centerpiece to show off to his guests. [1]



Notes & Trivia[]

See also[]



  1. Werewolf by Night, Volume 2 #1 (Feb. 1998). Written by Paul Jenkins. Artwork by Leonardo Manco.