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True Blood 1x03 013

"Give me money, or Jesus will hate you".

A televangelist is a spiritual leader that addresses their congregation both at a physical venue, as well through the use of televised media. They believe that Jesus can be found at the bottom of your wallet, and only by sifting through whatever dollar bills and spare change you can claw out of there may salvation be found. Said monetary units must then of course be turned over to the righteous televangelist so that, with God's love, he may then devoutly gas up his Cadillac. For was it not Jesus who said, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few... or the one". Wait a minute. On second thought, that might have been Spock. In any case, put simply, a televangelist is a con artist who takes advantage of people's faith in order to swindle them out of money.

Actor David Ruprecht played a televangelist on the "Mine" episode of the HBO supernatural drama series True Blood. He appeared on a fictional TV special, along with his blonde-haired wife, played by Kelli Moroney, wherein he interviewed Fellowship of the Sun devotee Steve Newlin, who spoke out against those who supported the rights of vampires. This came about hot on the heels of the deaths of Newlin's family, which he later learned, was actually committed by vampires.


Name Source
Jim Sharp Marvel Universe
Steve Newlin True Blood