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"The Last Chimera"
Series Teen Wolf
Season 5, Episode 11
Teen Wolf 5x11 001
Air date January 5th, 2016
Writers Jeff Davis
Director Russell Mulcahy
Producers Jeff Davis; Russell Mulcahy; Marty Adelstein; Rene Echevarria; Tony DiSanto; Liz Gateley; Tim Andrew; Sam Childs; Damon Jackson; Tyler Posey; Blaine Williams; Eric Wallace; Lindsay Jewett Sturman; Karen Gorodetzky; Joseph P. Genier
Starring Tyler Posey; Dylan O'Brien; Holland Roden; Shelley Hennig; Arden Cho; Dylan Sprayberry
Episode guide
"Status Asthmaticus"
"Damnatio Memoriae"

"The Last Chimera" is the eleventh episode of season five of the supernatural teen drama series Teen Wolf and the seventy-third episode of the series overall. It was directed by Russell Mulcahy with a script written by Jeff Davis. It first aired on MTV on Tuesday, January 5th, 2016 at 9:00 pm. In this episode, Scott McCall is still recovering from his temporarily fatal fight with Liam and Theo. Sheriff Stilinski is admitted to the hospital with a severe throat injury and is dying from Chimera poison. Lim and Mason go to seek out the Nemeton and discover that Hayden Romero is back from the dead. Mrs. Martin has Lydia committed to Eichen House and Scott relies upon some assistance from an old ally to help him in his fight against the Dread Doctors.



Note: Listings marked with a (†) symbol indicate cast members who are credited in this episode, but their character does not make an appearance.

Actor Role
Tyler Posey Scott McCall
Dylan O'Brien Stiles Stilinski
Holland Roden Lydia Martin
Shelley Hennig Malia Tate
Arden Cho Kira Yukimura
Dylan Sprayberry Liam Dunbar


Actor Role
JR Bourne Christopher Argent
Melissa Ponzio Melissa McCall
Linden Ashby Sheriff Stilinski
Ryan Kelley Deputy Jordan Parrish
Cody Christian Theo Raeken
Khylin Rhambo Mason Hewitt
Susan Walters Natalie Martin
Kelsey Chow Tracy Stewart
Steven Brand Doctor Gabriel Valack
Victoria Moroles Hayden Romero
Todd Williams Doctor Geyer
Michael Johnston Corey Bryant
John Posey Doctor Conrad Fenris
Benita Robledo Valerie Clarke
Henry Zaga Josh Diaz
Jordan Fisher Noah Patrick

Guest Starring[]

Actor Role
Marti Matulis The Surgeon
Douglas Tait The Pathologist
Caitlin Dechelle The Geneticist


Actor Role
Clayton Froning Schrader
Mirai Booth-Ong Nurse
Anthony Lapenna Young Stiles

Notes & Trivia[]

  • This is the first episode of season 5B.
  • With this episode, Teen Wolf moves from Monday nights to Tuesday.
  • There is no episode of "Wolf Watch" to accompany this episode.
  • Actress Arden Cho is credited in this episode, but her character does not make an appearance.
  • Nurse Brenner is identified only as Nurse in the closing credit sequence of this episode.


See also[]

External Links[]


Beacon County | Beacon Hills | Beacon Hills High School | California | Doctor | Eichen House | High school | Hospital | Nurse | Werewolves

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Season Five
This article pertains to an episode from season five of the Teen Wolf television series.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the Teen Wolf/Season 5 episodes category.
