Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Talok III
Continuity: Pre-Crisis Earth-One
Category: Planet
Galaxy: Milky Way Galaxy
System: Talok System
Sector: Sector 3500
Residents: Talokians
1st appearance: 1st Issue Special #12

Talok III is a fictional location featured in comic books published by DC Comics. It is part of DC's Pre-Crisis Earth-One continuity, and first appeared in 1st Issue Special #12 in March, 1976.


Talok III is a habitable world and the third planet in the Talok star system. It circles a red dwarf sun and is three-thousand light years from the planet Earth. It is home to a race of blue-skinned humanoids known as Talokians.

Points of interest[]

  • None. The place sucks.

Residents of Talok III[]

