Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Clone Wars 2x06 011
Continuity: Star Wars
Series: Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Notability: Antagonist
Type: T-series tactical droid
Gender: Male
Race: Robot
Location: Geonosis
Associations: Confederacy of Independent Systems
Status: Destroyed
Died: 21 BBY
First: "Landing at Point Rain"

TX-21 is a fictional robot character featured in the Star Wars multimedia franchise. He appeared on the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated television series on Cartoon Network where he was voiced by actor Tom Kane. He first appeared in the episode "Landing at Point Rain".


TX-21 was a T-series tactical droid that was utilized by Poggle the Lesser of Geonosis. As such, TX-21's programmed loyalties was to the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

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