Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
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See also Commonwealth for a complete list of references to clarify differences between these closely named or closely related articles.

Systems Commonwealth
New Systems Commonwealth 001
Vital statistics
Name Systems Commonwealth
Aliases All Systems Commonwealth; New Systems Commonwealth; The Commonwealth
Continuity Andromeda
Type Government
Status Active
Allies The Vedrans
Enemies Kalderan Alliance; The Magog; The Nietzschean Empire
First appearance "Under the Night"

The Systems Commonwealth, also referred to as the All Systems Commonwealth, the New Systems Commonwealth or just simply, the Commonwealth is the provincial governing body featured in the 2000-2005 television series Andromeda. Nearly all episodes of the series take place against the backdrop of the Systems Commonwealth, its federation of worlds or its representatives. The Systems Commonwealth is a democratic parliamentary governing body whose territory includes 1,022,347 planets, drifts, space stations, various orbital habitats, and entire solar systems. [1]



Notes & Trivia[]

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