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Mayfair Witches 1x02 007
Suzanne Mayfair
Aliases: Suzanne of the Mayfair
Suzanne of the May Fair
Continuity: Lives of the Mayfair Witches
Notability: Minor character
Type: Witch
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Location: Donnelaith, Scotland
Associations: Mayfair family
Relatives: Deborah Mayfair
Charlotte Mayfair
Status: Deceased
Died: 1659
First: The Witching Hour
Actor: Hannah Alline

Suzanne Mayfair is a fictional witch and a minor character featured in the Lives of the Mayfair Witches line of novels by author Anne Rice. She was introduced in the first book in the series, The Witching Hour, published in October, 1990. The character also appeared in the Mayfair Witches television program on AMC. She was played by actress Hannah Alline on the series.


The first of the Mayfair witches and the mother of Deborah, she calls forth Lasher in the circle of stones at Donnelaith, Scotland. Known initially as Suzanne of the May Fair, she is a "clever woman" of the village who helps heal the sick. Suzanne's lack of control over Lasher, allowed all to see her magic which eventually leads her to be burnt at the stake, in 1665 or, by some accounts, 1659, as her daughter is made a witch.

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