Surface is an American science fiction television series that aired on Monday evenings on NBC from September 19th, 2005 to February 6th, 2006. It ran for less than a complete season spanning a total of only fifteen episodes. The series was created by Jonas and Josh Pate and produced by NBCUniversal Television. The series starred Lake Bell, Jay R. Ferguson, Carter Jenkins, Ian Anthony Dale, Leighton Meester and Eddie Hassell. Recurring cast members on the show include Rade Šerbedžija, Shishir Kurup, Louanne Cooper, Kelly Collins Lintz, Ric Reitz, Victoria Staley, Linsey Godfrey, Steve Ayers and Jack Landry.
All fifteen episodes of the series have been made available on the Surface: The Complete SeriesDVD collection by Universal Studios. The collection was released on January 9th, 2007. The episodes have also been made available on Amazon Instant Video and Netflix instant streaming video.
Surface originally went on hiatus in February, 2006 so NBC could cover the 2006 Winter Olympics, but executives ultimately decided to discontinue the series.
Like most programs that are unexpectedly cancelled, Surface ended on a cliffhanger leaving many vital plot points unresolved.
Joe Cipriano was the announcer for the series, but was uncredited for his participation in the show.