Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Supreme Martial Intelligence
Supreme Martial Intelligence
Aliases: Supreme Martian Intelligence
Continuity: Invaders from Mars
Notability: Antagonist
Gender: Male
Race: Martian
Location: Mars
Status: Alive
Born: Unknown
First: Invaders from Mars (1986)
Actor: Brian Penikas

The Supreme Martial Intelligence is a fictional alien invader and the central antagonist featured in the 1986 remake of Invaders from Mars. The character was voiced by actor Brian Penikas.


The Supreme Martial Intelligence was the otherwise unnamed alien being who led an invasion force to Los Angeles County in the mid 1980s. This Martian differed from its subordinates in that it was a large, bulbous head that was guided by a large neck stalk. Whether there was more to this being's physicality beyond its head and neck is unclear.

Accompanied by Martian drones, he piloted his ship to Copper Hill where it began to tunnel underground to acquire the world's copper deposits.

Notes & Trivia[]

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See also[]

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External Links[]

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