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"Party On, Garth"
Series Supernatural
Season 7, Episode 18
Supernatural 7x18 001
Air date March 30th, 2012
Writers Adam Glass
Director Phil Sgriccia
Producers Todd Aronauer; Kristin Cronin; Andrew Dabb; Ben Edlund; Sera Gamble; Adam Glass; Peter Johnson; Serge Ladouceur; Daniel Loflin; Craig Matheson; McG; Jim Michaels; Philip Sgriccia; Robert Singer; Jerry Wanek
Starring Jared Padalecki; Jensen Ackles
Episode guide
"The Born-Again Identity"
"Of Grave Importance"

"Party On, Garth" is the eighteenth episode of season seven of the paranormal investigation drama series Supernatural, and the 144th episode of the series overall. It was directed by Phil Sgriccia with a script written by Adam Glass. It first aired on the CW Network on Friday, March 30th, 2012.



Actor Role
Jared Padalecki Sam Winchester
Jensen Ackles Dean Winchester

Guest Starring[]

Actor Role
DJ Qualls Garth Fitzgerald, IV
Mr. Fizzles Himself


Actor Role
Terry David Mulligan Randy Baxter
Andrew Francis Lee
Debbie Podowski Dale's widow
Eric Keenleyside Jim McAnn
Alex Kliner Cab driver
Julia Rhodes Marie McAnn
Jan Bos Coroner
Sarah Dugdale Chloe
David A. Kaye Chris
Karissa Tynes Chris' girlfriend
Kasey Ryne Mazak Japanese chef
Shauna Johannesen Lillian McAnn
Burkely Duffield Ryan McAnn
Megan Charpentier Tess McAnn
Iain Belcher Trevor McAnn
Ross Douglas Dispatcher

Notes & Trivia[]

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  • The production code number for the episode.
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  • The rating for the episode (TV-14, TV-MA, etc.)
  • How many episodes in this series the director may have worked on.
  • How many episodes in this series the writer may have worked on.
  • Unique spelling or mis-spelling of selected cast and crew member, which may differ from how they are identified in other works.
  • Character appearances and other annotations.


  • The title of this episode is a repeated line of dialogue from the "Wayne's World" comedy sketch, which started out as a recurring bit on Saturday Night Live and involved two rockers named Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar who had their own local-access television series. The two would often greet each other in each sketch by saying "Party on, Garth", and "Party on, Wayne". Wayne's World was adapted into a feature length comedy film in 1992, which yielded a less popular sequel, Wayne's World 2 in 1993.


  • Dean Winchester: You have the CEO of the douchiest microbrew in the U.S. gagged in your hot tub? You really think that's gonna end well?

See also[]


The World of Supernatural

Supernatural Miscellaneous

External Links[]

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Season Seven
This article pertains to an episode from season seven of the Supernatural television series.
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