"Metropolis Mailbag II" is the seventy-sixth issue of the second Superman ongoing comic book series published by DC Comics. The story was written and illustrated by Dan Jurgens with Brett Breeding on finishing work and inks. It was colored by Glenn Whitmore and lettered by John Costanza. The story was edited by Mike Carlin with Jennifer Frank as assistant editor. This issue shipped with a February, 1993 cover date and carries a cover price of $1.25 per copy (US).
This issue shipped in direct market and newsstand editions.
This issue is Superman navigation number 1993/6.
This issue went to second printing. The second printing edition has the Superman title logo colored yellow, as opposed to the red logo from the first edition printing.
This issue is reprinted in the Superman: World Without a Superman trade paperback collection, released in July, 1993. It is also reprinted in the Death and Return of Superman Omnibus hardcover collection, which was released in May, 2016, and re-released in June, 2019.
This is the first issue of this series that Superman does not make an appearance in.