Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Series Superman & Lois
Season 1, Episode 4
Superman and Lois 1x04 001
Air date March 16th, 2021
Writers Michael Narducci
Director James Bamford
Producers Todd Helbing; Greg Berlanti; Brent Fletcher; Geoff Johns; Stephen Judge; Kristi Korzec; Lee Toland Krieger; Jennifer Lence; David Madden; Louis Shaw Milito; Donald Munro; Michael Narducci; Carl Ogawa; Sarah Schechter; Gregory Smith; Karyn Smith-Forge; Nadria Tucker
Starring Tyler Hoechlin; Elizabeth Tulloch; Jordan Elsass; Alex Garfin; Erik Valdez; Inde Navarrette; Wolé Parks; Adam Rayner; Dylan Walsh; Emmanuelle Chriqui
Episode guide
"The Perks of Not Being a Wallflower"
"The Best of Smallville"

"Haywire" is the fourth episode of season one of the live-action superhero fantasy series Superman & Lois. It was directed by James Bamford with a script written by Michael Narducci. It first aired on the CW Network on Tuesday, March 16th, 2021 at 8:00 pm.



Note: Listings marked with a (†) symbol indicate cast members who are credited in this episode, but their character does not make an appearance.

Actor Role
Tyler Hoechlin Superman, Clark Kent
Elizabeth Tulloch Lois Lane
Jordan Elsass Jon Kent
Alex Garfin Jordan Kent
Erik Valdez Kyle Cushing
Inde Navarrette Sarah Cushing
Wolé Parks Captain Luthor †
Adam Rayner Morgan Edge
Dylan Walsh General Sam Lane
Emmanuelle Chriqui Lana Cushing

Guest Starring[]

Actor Role
Sofia Hasmik Chrissy Beppo
Stacey Farber Leslie Larr
Brendan Fletcher Thaddeus R. Killgrave


Actor Role
Danny Wattley Coach Gaines
Fritzy-Klevans Destine Sean Smith
Wern Lee Tag Harris
Zane Clifford Timmy Ryan
Eric Keenleyside Mayor George Dean
Pavel Romano Corey Wellnitz
Austin Anozie Malcolm Teague
Kelcey Mawema Denise Olowe
Hesham Hammoud Lieutenant Rosetti
Joselyn Picard Sophie Cushing
Robel Zere Dabney Donovan
Kris McRonney IG merc

Notes & Trivia[]

  • There are no notations or trivia available for this episode at this time. Be the first to add some! Just click on the edit tab under the section heading and start typing. This may include all out-of-universe as well as in-universe information relating to the episode. Acceptable notations may include:
  • The production code number for the episode.
  • Home video availability for the episode (VHS, DVD, Blu-ray, etc.), as well as which services provide digital download copies and/or streaming video services.
  • The rating for the episode (TV-14, TV-MA, etc.)
  • How many episodes in this series the director may have worked on.
  • How many episodes in this series the writer may have worked on.
  • Unique spelling or mis-spelling of selected cast and crew member, which may differ from how they are identified in other works.
  • Character appearances and other annotations.


  • There are no allusions available for this episode at this time. Be the first to add some! Just click on the edit tab under the section heading and start typing. An allusion is an incidental reference made to a character, person, event or other miscellaneous piece of media that can be found somewhere in the episode itself. In most cases, this refers to characters or events from previous episodes.


  • Lois Lane: Look, I'm kind of bored with the whole "faux-British accent, billionaire at a football game trying to fit in" con job.
  • Morgan Edge: I can assure you, my accent is genuine. I was raised in...
  • Lois Lane: Oh, my god, who cares?

Production crew[]

See also[]

External Links[]

Superman logo
Season One
This article pertains to an episode from season one of the Superman & Lois television series on the CW Network.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the Superman & Lois Season 1 episodes category.