Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"A Change of Heart (Part 1)"
Series The Adventures of Superboy
Season 4, Episode 1
Superboy 4x01 001
Air date October 6th, 1991
Writers Paul Stubenrauch
Director David Nutter
Producers Alexander Salkind; Ilya Salkind
Starring Gerard Christopher; Stacy Haiduk; Peter Jay Fernandez; Robert Levine
Episode guide
"The Road to Hell (Part 2)"
"A Change of Heart (Part 2)"

"A Change of Heart (Part 1)" is the first episode of season four of the live-action superhero fantasy series The Adventures of Superboy and the seventy-ninth episode of the series overall. It was directed by David Nutter with a script written by Paul Stubenrauch. It first aired in first-run syndication on Sunday, October 6th, 1991.



Note: Listings marked with a (†) symbol indicate cast members who are credited in this episode, but their character does not make an appearance.

Actor Role
Gerard Christopher Superboy, Clark Kent
Stacy Haiduk Lana Lang
Peter Jay Fernandez Matt Ritter
Robert Levine C. Dennis Jackson †

Guest Stars[]

Actor Role
Michael Des Barres Adam Verrell
Bill Mumy Tommy Puck


Actor Role
Carla Capps Deana
Frank Eugene Matthews, Jr. Ernie
Bill Cordell Doctor Connelly
Jim McDonald Lieutenant Walker
Dan Fitzgerald Mayor
Jay Gilck Priest
Kathy Poling Smiling woman
Robert Reynolds Security guard
Danny Haneman Prison guard

Notes & Trivia[]

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  • The production code number for the episode.
  • Home video availability for the episode (VHS, DVD, Blu-ray, etc.), as well as which services provide digital download copies and/or streaming video services.
  • The rating for the episode (TV-14, TV-MA, etc.)
  • How many episodes in this series the director may have worked on.
  • How many episodes in this series the writer may have worked on.
  • Unique spelling or mis-spelling of selected cast and crew member, which may differ from how they are identified in other works.
  • Character appearances and other annotations.


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See also[]


The World of Superman

Superman miscellaneous

External Links[]
