Suicide is the willful act of taking one's own life. In film, characters may commit suicide for any number of reasons ranging from terminal illness, depression, impending trauma, they are forced into it, and sometimes, even to prevent one's self from being turned into a zombie! Suicide is different from self sacrifice, which is where a character allows themselves to die in order to facilitate a greater good, whether that be protecting a loved one, saving a military unit, or defending the entire planet.
Angel: Home: A police officer attempts to jump off a building, but Connor saves him.
Blood Drive: The Gentleman's Agreement - The Gentleman attempts to kill Grace by activating her cerebral implant, not realizing that the controls had been reversed, and he blows up his own head.
Preacher: Mumbai Sky Tower - Fiore engages in supernatural assisted suicide with some help from the Saint of Killers.
Astonishing 10 - A scientist reanimates the dead, then kills himself out of regret.
Blackgas 3 - After being infected with black gas, Tyler turns rifle on himself. Soo Park assists.
Giant-Size Man-Thing 5 - Kip shoots himself with shotgun for failing to prevent girlfriend from drowning in quicksand.
Kick-Ass 1 - Accidental. An Armenian super-hero jumps off a building thinking he can fly, but his wings crap out and he falls to his death.
Walking Dead 22 - Patricia attempts to kill herself by slitting her wrists.
Wow Comics 32 - Baron Hitsomo impales himself with a sword rather than be taken captive by the Allies.
X-Factor 206 - Bolivar Trask shoots himself in the head with a revolver.
Dead Zone, The - Serial rapist/killer Frank Dodd is cornered by the police with some help from psychic Johnny Smith. Rather than be taken alive, he opts instead to kill himself.
Needful Things - Distraught over the role he played in instigating chaos in Castle Rock, Brian Rusk takes his own life with a shotgun.